Mental health disorders are common in Pennsylvania. Roughly 32.8 percent of adults in our state reported symptoms of anxiety and/or depressive disorder during a one-month period, compared to 32.3 percent of adults in the U.S. Sadly, more than half of these individuals do not receive the treatment they need to get better. While there are different reasons for the lack of treatment, a large portion of Pennsylvanians don’t receive help due to being underinsured or living in areas with not enough mental health professionals.
Adults aren’t the only ones experiencing mental health problems. Pennsylvania’s youth are at risk, too. 57.1 percent of Pennsylvanians ages 12-17 who have depression did not receive any care for their disorder, significantly raising the risk of dropping out of high school. Furthermore, 7 out of 10 youth in the juvenile justice system have mental health problems.
It’s clear that we need to build a stronger mental health system that provides appropriate care, support, education, and services needed to help individuals lead better lives. Without treatment, individuals experiencing mental health disorders are more likely to drop out of school, become homeless, attempt suicide, or end up in jail.
Mental Health Treatment in Lehigh Valley, PA
Recovery Cove in Easton, Pennsylvania is committed to becoming part of the solution. Our Mental Health Program is the latest addition to our program offerings, providing comprehensive care for individuals experiencing mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, and trauma disorders. This program gives specialized attention to mental health and how to build a happy, healthy, and productive life while managing the symptoms of the condition.
In order to meet the needs of individuals experiencing mental health disorders, Recovery Cove offers three different programs: Partial Hospitalization (PHP), Intensive Outpatient (IOP), and Outpatient (OP). Mental health disorders range in severity from mild to severe, which is why we offer various levels of treatment. While your plan will be unique to you, many of our clients move through all three levels of care, starting with PHP and eventually stepping down to OP, where they spend just a few hours a week in therapy while working or going to school.
Here is a quick breakdown of our programs:
- Partial hospitalization. Our PHP is our most intensive program, offering support five days a week. Clients spend time in intensive group and individual sessions where they begin building a foundation for long-term mental health wellness.
- Intensive outpatient. Our IOP is a step down from partial hospitalization, making it highly structured but with a shorter time commitment. Clients learn healthy coping mechanisms, how to recognize their triggers, and how to build a healthy foundation. Many clients return to work or school at this point while receiving dual diagnosis support.
- The lowest level of care is our OP, but it remains highly effective. Individuals in OP continue to build upon the progress they’ve made while gradually returning to everyday life. If any issues arise, the individual has built-in support available.
Our mental health treatment programs in Lehigh Valley, PA are well-rounded and include individual and group therapy and medication management. Mental health disorders respond best to a combination of behavioral therapies and medications such as antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, stimulants, antipsychotics, and mood stabilizers.
What are the Components of a PHP in Lehigh Valley?
Partial hospitalization programs serve as a step-down from inpatient rehabilitation or a step-up from outpatient care, offering intensive support without having to stay overnight. This is beneficial for individuals who have families and responsibilities at home. With a PHP, they’re able to get structured and intensive support without having to leave their family for an extended time.
The components of a PHP include:
- Multidisciplinary approach. Treatment involves a number of healthcare professionals, including psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and social workers, ensuring a comprehensive approach to care.
- Therapy sessions. Individuals participate in individual therapy, group therapy and family therapy sessions. These sessions address a variety of issues such as coping strategies, emotional regulation, substance use and interpersonal skills.
- Medication management. Psychiatrists and other medical professionals monitor and manage medications, ensuring that clients receive appropriate pharmacological treatment for their conditions.
- Educational components. PHPs often include educational sessions that teach clients about their conditions, the treatment options available and strategies for managing symptoms and preventing relapse.
- Structured schedule. Clients attend the program several hours a day, five days a week. This schedule establishes a healthy routine with consistent support.
Why are Mental Health Disorders on the Rise?
There is no question that mental health disorders are increasing here in Pennsylvania and in the greater U.S. The U.S. Surgeon General’s Office found that rates of depression and anxiety were increasing in children and teens even before the pandemic due to the growing prominence of social media, greater academic and extracurricular pressures, and limited access to mental health care.
Currently, there are at least 60 million adults experiencing a mental health condition in our country. Some of the issues that are contributing to these rates are:
Social Media Use
While there are many benefits to being on social media, there are also many unhealthy behaviors that can arise, such as comparing oneself to others, cyberbullying, and experiencing fear of missing out (FOMO). Many studies link social media use to poorer mental health outcomes, especially in younger people.
Isolation and Loneliness
Isolation can cause loneliness, which in turn can show up in physical and mental problems like depression or anxiety. As an increasing number of people cope with chronic illness or the loss of loved ones, loneliness and isolation are increasing. Also, people are trading in face-to-face interactions for on-screen ones, but they do not compare. In-person interactions are far stronger, offering comfort, security, understanding, and support.
Even though the government ended the COVID-19 health emergency in 2023, this pandemic has left its impact on many individuals. Not to mention, COVID itself is still around—not growing milder or fading away. Many individuals are still experiencing negative effects from the pandemic, including fear of infection, financial worries, and grieving the loss of loved ones.
Lack of Access to Care
While mental health treatment is available, it can be limited in certain regions. As mentioned above, about half of people with a mental health disorder don’t receive treatment. Many individuals are underinsured, and even if they have the means to speak with a mental health professional, there may not be one available.
What Happens if a Mental Health Disorder Is Not Treated?
When mental health problems go untreated, the consequences can be severe and far-reaching. Not only is the individual impacted, but so are family, friends, coworkers, and society at large. Some of the things that can happen include:
- Worsening of mental health symptoms, leading to increased emotional distress and impaired functioning.
- Physical health decline, which can cause a weakened immune system, heart disease, and other health problems.
- Impaired daily functioning, with difficulties in work, school, and personal relationships.
- Substance use disorders, as people may turn to drugs or alcohol to cope.
- Increased risk of suicide or self-harming beahviors.
- Social isolation, which exacerbates the condition.
- Economic consequences, as individuals with poor mental health often struggle to maintain employment.
- Increased risk of legal issues due to substance use, aggression, or other reckless behavior.
- Negatively impacted relationships, which often leads to a breakdown of family and social support.
Comprehensive Mental Health Support in Easton, PA
The Mental Health Treatment Program at Recovery Cove is here to support you or your loved one in any way possible. Our mental health PHP and IOP programs in Lehigh Valley, PA have everything you need to address your mental health disorder and begin the healing process. You will have access to a wide range of tools and therapies all under one roof, including highly trained and experienced mental health professionals. As you gradually get better, you can reduce the number of hours in treatment and work on rebuilding your life to the fullest. To start your recovery from a mental health disorder, contact Recovery Cove at 484-549-COVE.