On 11/8/22, I teamed up with Justin, a Hope Center’s CRS, on the PAIR team (P.A.I.R. stands for Police Assisting in Recovery). The program aims to help individuals deal with opioids in PA and other addictions by connecting them to a treatment provider. Law enforcement agencies connect any resident in their jurisdiction struggling with substance abuse to a PAIR who will meet them in the community.
Hope Center is a recovery center in Bethlehem, PA that offers support groups, resources, and safety for those in active addiction and recovery. The variety of services include case management, CRS, and 12-step meetings.
Justin spends his time in the community connecting with individuals and providers with the goal to educate about treatment services and resources. He dedicates time to help others with compassion and hope that there is another way to live. Justin is an active member of the recovery community and will have 6 years on December 3rd, 2022.
Here is my Interview with Justin
What is a CRS?
A CRS is a peer support person with lived experience in recovery. CRS’s support individuals in their recovery process and can act as a resource brokerage.
As a CRS How Do You Help Those in the Community Struggling With Addiction?
“I inform people on resources for recovery, support and treatment services in the area.”— resources in the community—recovery resources, treatment providers both inpatient and outpatient, 12 step meetings, mental health resources, food, shelter, housing and I will continue to follow and support the client throughout the process.
What Types of Drugs do you Think are a Problem Right now in our Community?
Meth, Fentanyl, and Alcohol.
What Concerns you the Most with what is Happening in PA?
The inability to access quality treatment and overcoming the stigma of addiction. Insurance Funding for treatment is limited and where they can go for help. The county supports closing the gap for those who are underserved for treatment with funding and other recovery resources such as the recovery centers in Northampton county.
Have Things Changed Since the Opioid Epidemic?
Yes, things are going in the right direction. There are more people becoming aware, willing to listen, and help the community. People who are becoming more involved- hospitals, law enforcements, health borough and schools.
Who Do You See as Mainly Impacted by SUD Here Locally?
Everyone- there is no discrimination when it comes to addiction/alcoholism.
What Resources are Needed and Available? What Would You Like to See More of?
LGBTQIA+ services are lacking in the community. They face different obstacles and stigma in the community.
More support and treatment accessible for Veterans.
More programs with Mental Health as a focus.
What is Your Biggest Challenge as a CRS?
People overcomplicate addiction. Focusing on the why rather than achieving the goal and living in the solution.
Describe a Difficult day?
Engaging with individuals that are unsheltered, underfed, and underserved, and they are comfortable with how they are living. There is potential with the individual and they can’t see it.
How Do You Inspire Others with Your Experience, Strength, and Hope?
Staying in my own self-recovery journey and offering hope to others and not passing judgment.
Justin’s recovery journey- connection with people in and out of the recovery community, 12 step meetings, and being open-minded, honest, and willing.
How Can Recovery Cove Support You in the Community?
Offering affordable treatment to individuals without commercial insurance.
Recovery Cove Believes in Supporting the Community
From local and free addiction recovery resources, to offering our own affordable substance abuse treatment program, at Recovery Cove, we believe in giving back to the community that has given so much to us. We are proud to partner with organizations like the Hope Center, who are doing amazing work to support those in need.
If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, please reach out to us. We are always here to help.

Clinical Director
Christine Todd is a Licensed Professional Counselor and an Advanced Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor who enjoys working directly with a population that struggles with addiction and mental health disorders. Christine brings many years of clinical experience to the team at Recovery Cove, where she is currently the Clinical Director. In her role, she oversees the clinical department as a leader, educator and mentor, designing programming and protocols for a diverse client population.